junho 10, 2009

About Brazilian literature: Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902-1987) was born in the city of Itabira, state of Minas Gerais. He studied in a Catholic school, where he was banished by "mental insubordination". Gratuated in pharmacology he never worked in this profession.Public servant, partook of "The Modern, Art Week where was drawn the destinations of Brazilian literature. He is maybe the most popular Brazilian, being one of his most famous poems "José". Here is too showed the poem "Love's balad throught the ages". His poetry is based on social critic, existencial thoughts, irony and a good sense of humor.


What now, José?
the party is over
the light is switch off
the people disappeared
the night cooled
what now, José
what now, you?
you who is anonymous
who mock other people,
you who make verse
who love, protest?
what now, José?

You’re without woman,
Without discourse
Without caress
even can’t drinking
even can’t smoking
you can’t even spit
the night’s cooled
the day hasn’t come
the streetcar hasn’t come
hasn’t come the utopia
and all is over
and all things fled
and all thins molded
what now, José?

What now, José?
your sweet speech
your instant of fever
yuour gluttony and fast
your library
your gold till
your glass-coat
your incoherence
your rage-what now?

With the key on hand
you want to open the door
but no door
want to die on the sea,
but the sea is dried
want to go to Minas
there isn’t Minas no more
José, what now?

If you cried
if you moaned
if you played a
the waltz of Viena
if you got tired
if you died
but you don’t die
you are hard, José!

Alone, on darkness
like wild-beast
without theograma
without nude wall
to support you
without black horse
that flee by gallop
you tramp, José!
José, where?

Love's balad throught the ages

I like you, you like me
since unknown times
I was Greek, you Trojan
I go out of wooden horse
to kill your brother
I killed him, we fought, and we died

I changed roman soldier
persecutor of Christians
At cotacomb's door
I met you again
But when I saw you naked
fallen on the sand of the circus
and the lion was coming
I leaped desperately
and the lion ate both us

After I was Moorish pirate,
calamity of Tripolitanis
I took fire on the frigate
where you was hidden
from the fury of my ship
But when I carried you to be my slave
You did the sign of the cross
And you ripped your breast with a dagger
I killed my self too

After (tranquil times)
I was courtier in Versailles,
Spirited and naughty
You decided to be a nun
I climbed the walls of the nunery
but political problems
Sent us to guillotine

Today, I am a modern boy
I row, jump, dance, box
I have current account
You are a remarkable blonde,
you box, dance, jump, row
Your father dislikes
But after thousand peripetias,
me, hero of Paramount
hug you, kiss you, and we get married

Search : Massaud Moisés, A Literatura brasileira através dos textos,1996. Cultrix editora.
Translated by Marcos Vinicius Gomes
Photo Drummond 's personal archive

junho 08, 2009

"Brazilian Shirley Temple" is censored

This is Maisa a 7 years-old-prodigious girl, the last success on Brazilian TV. She was discovered when she was 3 on a talents-show and since then her face has been seen every week on TV sets. She has a program at Saturdays named "Sábado Animado" where presents cartoons and talk to kids by telephone, and had a special presentation on "Programa Silvio Santos" (Silvio Santos Show) a Sunday-TV show where she played with his "boss" Silvio Santos.

Silvio Santos - pseudonymous of Senor Abravanel -is a businessman and a show man owner of banks, TV stations, hotels and shops of eletronics. He got rich making raffles on TV. Santos began his self made man life as a comb seller in Rio de Janeiro; after this he went to São Paulo and bought his first TV channel during military dictatorship. Today he is owner of SBT network, the third greatest Brazilian TV group. His life and success were always criticized by a part of public opinion and by intelligentsia that consider Silvio Santos a, a demagogue businessman. Maybe it is true-or not. But is known that Santos has a populist mind to produce some of the shows of his station, using frequently vulgar language to get more public to his channels. Besides he frequently disrespect the public, taking off soap-operas and series without previous notice. But what happened with Maisa last May,17 can not be a pretext of authorities to reveal their demagogy or envy, that is usual between Brazilian society - capitalism is still a taboo, and all businessmen are always seen as Dickensian exploiters.

On this date, Maisa cried in front of the cameras on the studio of Silvio Santos Show when she saw a boy wearing a monster mask. This was a strategy to frighten Maisa, of course a unhappy mock that was not edited before broadcasted . This scene caused a great indignation of children rights defensors, lawyers looking for prestige and judges. They request and got the prohibition of Maisa's appearance on Silvio Santos Show. She only appear on her own show at Saturdays.

There would be none problem if Brazil were not one of the greatest countries of the world in disrespect to childrens rights. Recently Brazilian police has been occupied catching nets of pedophiles and persons that patronize adolescent prostitution. What is the problem if Maisa cried in front of cameras? Psychologists have said that Maisa is a happy child, she has good note on school and her family protect her of the perils of the fame. There are another children to authorities take care. Specialists discuss about the use of the children image on TV, what this can represent to their development, what is the psycologic impact that this can cause in their minds - all of this hav to be scrutinized, but hurried statements are not the best way to solve the problem.

Silvio Santos maybe had mistaken in his atitude with Maisa, exposing a little child on a harmful situation, but compare this bad action with other situations of prejudices against chidren related above is incoherent and demagogy, inadmissible in a country that want to protect all the children however their social class. The rest is pure demagogy, official demagogy.

Photo: SBT Network