Today in Brazil is “The slave’s liberation day”. In this date 121 years ago Princess Isabel wrote the “Aurea Law”, giving the liberty to every slave. This act was not a sympathy gesture by “The Bigot Princess” (As such Isabel Princess was called) but obedience to England’s pressures to get more market to its products. After that moment, all black slaves left theirs oppressor’s houses to go through the world looking for freedom.
The Brazil’s slaves liberation was the late of the American continent, and the marks of almost four centuries of slavery still continue between us. And in this week of commemoration a movie-documentary will tell a story of a special character of Brazilian culture that, suffered the injustice of racism and incomprehension throughout his life.Calvito Leal, Micael Langer and Claudio Manoel”s documentary “Ninguém sabe o duro que dei”, translated something as “Nobody know how hard was to get I got” is a try to reveal Wilson Simonal’s life, a singer who was one of the more charismatic artists of his time.
The Brazil’s slaves liberation was the late of the American continent, and the marks of almost four centuries of slavery still continue between us. And in this week of commemoration a movie-documentary will tell a story of a special character of Brazilian culture that, suffered the injustice of racism and incomprehension throughout his life.Calvito Leal, Micael Langer and Claudio Manoel”s documentary “Ninguém sabe o duro que dei”, translated something as “Nobody know how hard was to get I got” is a try to reveal Wilson Simonal’s life, a singer who was one of the more charismatic artists of his time.
Wilson Simonal de Castro (1938-2000) was born in Rio de Janeiro, got orphan early and was educated with great difficulties as such greatest part of Brazilian black children. In spite of this adversities, Simonal served in Brazil’s army and after this, begun his musical career. He was known because of his swing and gaiety, conquering thousands of fans around Brazil. One time, Simonal crowded the Maracanãzinho Stadium with more than 30,000 people whose sang, danced and enjoy the amazing artist. Simonal’s career increase so rapidly and with the success, the discrimination against him.
It’s known that Simonal was fascinated by the success, and some time he shown signs of arrogance. This would be comprehensible if he had not dated to get free of the sketch drawn to him since his birth. Simonal never economized words and his statements were used against himself. He had said that he supported the military revolution of 1964 – but thousand of peoples had supported,. And he didn’t care - but truly was uninformed about repression, censorship, and crimes against citizens. His son,singer Max de Castro says his father hadn’t politics mind.
After a trip with the Brazil’s football team that disputed World Cup of 1970 in Mexico, Simonal suspected that his manager account Rafael Viviani was robbing his fortune. So he asked some friends, that worked at DOPS- the repression office of dictatorship to interrogate Viviani, but they beat the manager. After this Viviani denounced Simonal as spy of repression.
Since Simonal career begun to fall. Colleagues of art rejected him, several shows were canceled, and nobody called him to TV presentations. Left activists sealed Simonal as traitor and journalists wrote –and some times invented things about Simonal. The myth was over.
Wilson Simonal has not been forgiven. On his late years he said on one TV show “I dare anybody to prove that I had participation on repressions organizations or had contributed to dictatorship”. But was in vain, he died some time after.
Simonal lately has been rediscovered by youth and for people that never know him completely, but now have the opportunity to enjoy the songs and learn about this obscure time of our history, which is object of shame for all democratic minds.
Photo: Odeon